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Terms & Conditions

All business undertaken by A4dibble Pet Transport Ltd shall be subject to the following terms and conditions.


Company is  A4dibble Pet Transport Limited.

Customer includes all parties which have entered into a contract for services from the company, which includes the business, client, customer, owner or holder of the goods or receiver or agent acting on behalf of any of the same or persons for whom any of the services are performed.

Goods means goods and/or animals, including any chattels that are tendered by the customer for services to be completed by the company.

Services meaning the whole of the service(s) performed or provided by the company, including but not limited to receiving, storing, handling and transportation of goods.

Right to Decline

·  The Company may refuse to provide services or refuse to accept Goods for any reason without explanation or to impose any restrictions or conditions on the Customer before accepting your Goods.

·  The Company hold the right to decline transportation of animals if the animal exhibits behaviour that could be harmful to itself, other animals in our care, or our staff, such as:

-   Aggressive or dominant behaviour

-   High Anxiety or fear

-   A condition or behaviour not fit for transport

-   If, in the opinion of A4dibble Pet Transport Ltd, transportation is not in the best interest of the animal

Your Warranties

·  The Customer expressly warrants that they are the owner or the authorized agent of the person owning or having interest in the goods that are to be carried by the Company.

·  The Customer warrants that all information provided to the Company is accurate and adequate and indemnifies the Company against any loss, damage, fees, expenses arising or resulting from any inaccuracies or inadequacy in the information provided.

Pick Up and Delivery

Animal Pick Up and Delivery

· Pet Transport uses meet points that will be allocated to the Customer at confirmation of trips final schedule. While the Company will do its best to ensure the delivery location, dates and times will work for the Customer, it is the Customers responsibility to ensure that they are available at the location, date and time provided.

·  In some special circumstances, the Company may provide a home service, this is at the sole discretion of the Company and arrangements must be made by the Customer with the Company prior to booking.

·  All animals are required to be fully vaccinated before travelling with the exception of Puppies and Kittens which require their first vaccination. This is the responsibility of the client.

Proof of vaccinations will be required upon request.

·  The Customer must disclose any prior health conditions and/or medications for your animal when booking, otherwise the Company has the right to uphold its right to decline transport.

·  Should your animal require veterinary care for any reason while in the care of the Company, any costs incurred will be at the expense of the Customer.

·  All animals will have access to water and provided food appropriate to the animal throughout the duration of transportation. Should the animal require a special diet this is to be supplied to the Company at the time of pickup.

·  All Dogs must be transported with a correctly fitted collar.

All Animals are transported at the Customers risk.


·  The Customer acknowledges and accepts that insurance shall at all times be the sole responsibility of the Customer, not the Company.

Carriage of Additional Items

·  The Company may carry extra items for the Customer at the sole discretion of the Company.

·  If the Company agrees to transport additional items with the Goods, the company does so at the Customers risk. The company will not be liable for any loss, theft or damages to the additional items, regardless of how they were caused.

·  The Customer indemnifies the Company from and against any and all losses, damages, costs, actions, proceedings, claims and demands which the Company may incur or suffer as a direct or indirect result of the transportation of the additional items by the Company. This includes, but is not limited to, any damage to the Customers or any other person’s vehicles or property and any fines or penalties incurred by the Company relating to the transportation of the additional items. This indemnity will continue to apply after the termination of the contract of carriage.

Consumers Guarantees Act 1993

·  The Customer acknowledges that as it is entering this contract of carriage for the purposes of its business, the Consumers Guarantees Act 1993 will not apply.

Limited Carriers Risk

·  This contract of carriage is a limited carriers risk, and subject to the provisions of the Carriage of Goods Act 1979, imposing liability in respect of the loss or damage of goods.

·  The Company shall not be under any liability caused or arising and (without limiting the generality of the foregoing) whether caused or arising as a result of the negligence of the company, breach of contract or otherwise for any damage or loss, deterioration, mis-delivery, delay in delivery of the goods (whether the goods are or have been in the possession of the company or not), nor for the instruction, advice, information or service given or provided to any person whether in respect of the goods or any other thing or matter, nor for any direct, consequential or indirect loss, loss of market, loss of potential winnings or consequences of delays.

·  The Customer will indemnify and shall keep indemnified the company from all claims of any kind whatsoever, however caused or arising and (without limiting the generality of the foregoing) whether caused or arising as a result of the negligence of the Company, breach of contract of otherwise, brought by any person in connection with any matter or thing done, said or omitted by the Company in connection with the goods.


·  Cancellation Policy is as follows (unless otherwise agreed)

-   If notice is given more than 1 week prior to the trip start date, refunds are at the discretion of the Company.

-   If notice is given less than 1 week prior to the trip start date, full charges will apply.

Website & Social Media

·  On occassion the Company may capture photos for website and social media content.

·  The Client has the option to 'opt out' at the time of booking. 

  • I hereby, understand that by confirming the booking with A4dibble Pet Transport Limited, I accept the Terms and Conditions as provided above.

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